Try optimizing for a front scrub of .020-.030, Inclination of 9-10*. Included angle 8.5. Caster 4 to 5.
LCA should be about 280mm
UCA choice be around 240mm
Put in the driver and set the lower control arm to be about level (move the lower pivot upwards or downwards in the Special draw masses mode)
The upper should be slightly tilted down towards the middle of the car.
If you set the no springs mode you should gain 2.5 to 3* negative camber
In the game LFS (not editor) with driver, camber for race should be -2.5 front and -0.2 rear as a baseline. Toe 0 front +0.1 rear.
The rear set to Trailing arm, and put the lower pivot low, and far forward, 30-40mm under the drivers tail bone. Maybe a little lower.
Set the rear camber to -0.2
Move the engine around so the COG height is around 340mm.
Set the suspension mass constant relatively low and scale up the frame mass to compensate.
Try braking at 800Nm and 71% to start.
Tire pressure 20psi.
Springs 40 rear 60 front for race
Dampers 5 bump rear 2 bump front
Dampers 3 rebounds rear 6.5 front
0 sway rear 30 front
That’s my suggestion!